Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happily Alone

I am not anti-social, but I do find that sometime I do need "alone" time to  clear my head.  I do not have a large number of friends, and with the loss of my dear Christine, I now have no real close friends. This poem shows a lot of  the real me:
                                        The steps are mine,
                                        at least for the time being.
                                        Tracing my finger along a crack--
                                        Neither adding to, nor taking away
                                        from the surface.
                                       There is no moon,
                                       and I don't need one.
                                       Shadowless, my world
                                       surrounds me and supplies
                                       all I need at the moment.
                                      A voice would be unwelcome,
                                      as would any sound
                                      that pushed  its way
                                      into my thoughts.
                                      Maybe tomorrow night
                                      will bring moonlight
                                      and night birds,                 
                                      But tonight, I am
                                      glad that I am

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