Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Azwo's Biscuits ( The title poem for my blog)

Hello, Fellow Poetry Lovers,
     For some time, I have been asked to share, at poetry readings, church groups, etc., some of my original poems.  I decided to create this blog because I am generally proud of the efforts I put into my work, and I hope you will enjoy reading them as well.  My first poem I am going to share is the one for which I named my blog:

          Her biscuits were always better
          because they came from someone
          other than my mother or grandmother.
           ( I couldn't seem to say, Elsie's}
          biscuits were the best.
          Mother would tell me that
          asking for one was not polite,
          But everytime I'd visit,
          my cravings would over-ride
          her words of instruction.
         Azwo would smile and
          spread a little butter and jelly
          on a big fluffy biscuit.
          Mother would start to scold,
          but the old lady would say,
          "Boys will be boys,
          and this boy is hungry."
          Today, as my world
          becomes too much to bear,
          I let my mind drift back
          to a little boy sitting contentedly
          at the table eating
          one of Azwo's
          Big, fluffy biscuits.

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